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September 19, 2008

New Ads and Other Additions to the Site

As you may see I added a bunch of ads for specific MMA topics.  They are really great ads and great products.  It is what we need to keep this site going so please out of respect don't block the ads.  I assure you all of the ads are legit and virus-free so don't worry about it! Go ahead and check 'em out for yourself! I highly recommend the 1001 submission which is found at the top. Having seen this book myself it is a great product and lives up to its potential.  Check it out peoples!

As for other additions to the site. I added a poll to the right which lets the admins know what we need to be working on. What is it exactly that our readers want to see more of?  So feel free to vote and let us know.  Also added are a list of the Team Ravenous fighters.  This site will have the exclusive updates about the Team Ravenous fighters but also we will keep you up to date on any local fighters, especially Western Mass. Holla!  I know this website isn't a forum but please don't be afraid to comment. We love to read what people think and their thoughts on the topics.  All you have to do is click on the comment link below each article and write away! You can be anonymous or just put your display name. You don't have to have a google login or anything. Don't go away. Lots of new videos and updates coming!