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We are always accepting donations to help us out with gas money to get to shows.  You can donate any amount of money by simply clicking the Donate button below by using Paypal.  All major credit cards are accepted and are safe and secure.  Don't have a paypal? No problem, after you click the link at the bottom left hand side there is a spot that says "Don't have a paypal then click the 'Continue' Link.  Thank you very much to all of our fans as we strive to bringing you the best mixed martial arts website around.


Are you interested in having your banner or logo on our website??  We have been around for over 12 years and have a large established following that check the website daily.  Currently we are offering any schools, promotions, equipment/apparel vendors, venues, and anyone else MMA minded the opportunity to grow with us in our journey.  We are now offering a static ad for JUST $300 for a year! The banner ad will be placed on one of the sides on our site at the top.  No matter what article is viewed, your logo of your choosing will be displayed!!  This is key to build your brand recognition. A sample is show below...

The banner ad will be provided by the customer and a high quality logo is ideal.  As a disclaimer this just buys you the banner ad on our website that directs MMA fans around the world to your website for viewing.  The money does not control the content of our articles nor does it enforce what events we attend.   If you want to learn more please email us at