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December 7, 2008

Mike Commander from NESF wins big at Untamed 25!!!

Our training partner (from NESF in Amherst), Mike Commander won his second amatuer fight last night in Boxboro Mass, at Full Force Productions, "Untamed 25"! Mike is a young (21) fighter, who has a ton of talent already. He's a tall lanky fighter for his weight class, and combines good striking with a solid ground game. Last night, he was definately the smaller framed fighter, but still had a height and reach advantage. The fight began with his opponent, Casey Morrisette trying to overwhelm Mike. He came in swinging wild and strong. Mike did a great job weathering the storm, and quickly settled down, snapping a nice jab. He ended the first round with a nice standing guillotine choke, that looked like it might have had Casey in trouble. Close round, Mike probably won. I think my cage-side yelling to Mike may have worked. Between the round, I reminded Mike to use his kicks. He's got really good kicks, and I knew they could make a difference. He used them alright....landing several brutal body and leg kicks, Mike took any energy Casey may have had, and began to take control of the fight in a big way. At the end of the round a bloody, and tired Casey Morrisette looked on the verg of defeat. Round three was once again all Commander. Several good kicks and jabs landed, and he finally started to throw some combinations, Casey was all but done. With about ten seconds remaining in the round Commander stalked the bloodied Morrisette, and got the TKO ref stoppage with only a few ticks left on the clock. Great job to Mike Commander, way to work hard, it really pays off!!!