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January 25, 2009

Dan Lauzon Victorious at Affliction!!!!

Mass. mma fighter Dan "The Upgrade" Lauzon finally got a win on the big stage. Lauzon beat a game Bobby Green, who stepped up on a couple days notice when Chris Horedecki, Lauzon's initial opponent, backed out due to injury.
The fight was a sloppy fight, one in which Green tested Dan's groin protection on three separate occasions. Green landed a knee and two kicks to Lauzon's cup, the third of which earned him a point deduction.
In probably mma's longest first round ever,(each groin strike Dan got 5 min. of recovery time) Green had the better striking, and Lauzon looked fearful of getting hit. Dan made a few half-hearted attempts to get Green to the ground , but was unsuccessful. Late in the round, Lauzon scrambled from the bottom position on the ground, and tried to jump into a triangle. He almost had what would have certainly been a sik submission, but Green quickly postured out. Another scramble ensued, and Lauzon, the more superior ground fighter, attempted a couple slick heel hooks, but Green defended well. While transitioning out of the heel hook, Lauzon was able to get Green's back. Seconds later, with only about ten seconds remaining in the round, Green had only two choices, tap out, or pass out, as Dan had secured an odd looking but efficient Rear-Naked Choke. Green chose the former, and Lauzon celebrated with his trade-mark back-flip of the top rope!!

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