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August 22, 2011

Gladiator Santos Video From

BJJWeekly is a great informative website and most importantly they do videos weekly of bjj techniques.  Their latest installment is from a none other than Gabriel Gladiator Santos.  If you are unfamiliar with him he is ranked #6 on the's 185lb pro list and he is 10-6.With that being said check out the video.

In this episode of BJJ Submission Chain Gabriel 'Gladiator' Santos shows us his favorite progression of side control attacks. Submission Chains are important because as you train and compete against more skilled opponents it's unlikely your first attack will be successful. A Submission Chain uses one or more attacks to force your opponent to react in a predictable way. You then have an attack that takes advantage of that predicted movement.

At the highest levels Submission Chains might be 5-6 or even more moves deep with variations for every reaction an opponent might make.

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