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November 15, 2012
NEW DATE!! STCC Women Tournament has change date to Sunday December 9, 2012.
PLEASE spread the word and promote women's wrestling! Girls wrestling on boys team you can get wavers from your athletic directors if your state rules say you can't. But most state will let you wrestle without a waiver. Please check.
*Remember WEIGHT INS are done at your place with a coach/parent/athletic director then emailed in to me at aanieves@stcc.edu between 5-7pm on saturday December 8, 2012. We wrestle the next day.
Date: Sunday December 9, 2012
Location: Springfield Technical Community College, 1 Armory Square, Springfield, MA 01102 (Building # 2 GYM)
Entry:$15 with a USA Card
$40 will include entry and a USA Card (Foreign athletes don't need USA Card)
Open Division: 18 years and older are eligible
School Division: k-2nd, 3-6th, 7-8th, 9-12th grade
K-8 grade will be group by body weight, Wrestling Divisions: k-2, 3-6 grade, 7-8grade.
Wt Class for 9th-12 grade and Open Divisions: 43kg (94.6lbs), 45kg (101.2lbs), 50 (110lbs), 52kg (116.6lbs), 56kg (123.2lbs), 59kg (129.8), 62kg (136.4lbs), 65kg (143lbs), 70kg (154lbs), 77kg (171.6lbs), 87kg (191.4lbs), 91kg-105kg (200.2lbs-231lbs).
Weigh-ins/Registration will be done on saturday dec 8: Must be done by a College/HS/Club Coach or Athletic Director. Coaches will conduct their weigh-ins between 5pm-7pm and then email or call. Please send wrestlers name, affiliation name, and weight class & age division by 7pm. Please email all information to aanieves@stcc.edu or call Coach Anibal Nieves 413-221-5633 and leave message. Please speak slowly and clearly and spell out name of wrestler.
Tournament Format: We will run a round robin format to get the girls as many matches as possible
Awards: Top 3 will receive medals, wrestle to top 6th place and Best Technician award will given
Registration/Start: Will run from 9am to 10am (Cash only no checks please). All coaches need to email or call in wrestler weights, names and division by Saturday December 8, 2012 between 5-7pm.
Wrestling will start at 10:30am
Rules Clinic: will be conducted at 10am
Accommodations: Sheraton 413-781-1010, Marriott 413-781-7111, Hilton Garden 413-886-8000
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