Brawl At The Hall
Plymouth Memorial Hall
Plymouth, MA
Prelim Bouts
145lb Ammy
Sandro Ibrahimovic vs Max Barrett
(0-0) Nexus MMA (0-1) Max Training
Official Dec.
Unanimous Dec. Max Barrett (1-1)
150lb Ammy
Justin Lozada vs Tony Ellison
(0-0) Ind. (3-0) Lauzon MMA
Tony Ellison finds the Armbar Sub at 1:21 of the 1st rnd. Advances to 4-0
The MSAC is interrupting the flow of the show because the fighters are coming out without gloves being taped and signed by an official prior to leaving the locker room. Two fighters now have come out without this important safety step.
170lb Ammy
Jose Quinones vs Dan Phelps
(0-0) Allaire (1-0) Tri-Force
Dan Phelp (2-0) 3rd rnd RNC. Look for this to be in the running for fight of the night.
170lb Ammy
JC Lima vs Peter Luciani
(0-0) La Familia (0-0) Nexus MMA
Peter Luciani (1-0) by way of 1st rnd Standing Guillotine Submission
145lb Ammy
Shayne Stephenson vs Manny Bermudez
(2-6) PartyTime MMA (1-1) SSSF
Manny Bermudez (2-1) 1st Rnd Guillotine Choke in 33sec
135lb Ammy
Chris Suarez vs Brian Squadrille
(0-1) Allaire (1-3) Nova Unaio
Chris Suarez (1-1) 1st Rnd K.O. 12sec
145 Ammy
Joey Siekierski vs Ricky Proctor
(0-0) Greenlight MMA (1-0) Lauzon MMA
Ricky Proctor (2-0) finds the RNC in 1:05 of the 1st Rnd.
160lb Ammy
Ruso Khubejashvili vs Peter Barrett
(3-0) Connors MMA (3-2) MAXX Training
Peter Barrett (4-2) via No Contest. Ruso may have what is commonly called a "cold sore" or what doctors call Herpes. This would definitely be a good reason to call the fight.
Ammy awards
F.O.T.N. - Sandro Ibrahimovic Vs Max Barrett
K.O.T.N. - Chris Suarez
S.O.T.N. - Dan Phelps (3rd Rnd RNC)
Main Card
155lb Pro
Keegan Hornstra vs Sean Nichols
(0-4) Team Kaos (0-0) Sityodtong
Sean Nichols (1-0) RNC at 4:22 in the 1st Rnd makes it look easy against Hornstra
150lb Pro
Josh Beauparlant vs Johnny Campbell
(0-2) Greenlight MMA (4-4) SSSF
Johnny Campbell (5-4) T.K.O. At 2:01 in the 1st
185lb Pro
Josh Mellen weighs in @193 3/4lb and loses $25/lb over out of his purse for the carelessness
Josh Mellen vs Pierry Pierre
(2-10) Wolfgang MMA (3-2) CCFA
Josh Mellen wins via fetal position. The ref calls the fight a no contest due to imagined illegal strikes. We'll be hoping the video goes public. Don't hold your breath though because Provizion doesn't let the public see the vids.
195lb Pro
Hector Sanchez vs Ryan White
(3-8) Allaire (4-1) SSSF
Ryan White (5-1) Armbar at 2:56 in the 1st
170lb Ammy Title Match
Hiago Fontura vs Brian Sparrow
(2-1) Triboro/Rivera (3-0) ProElite
Brian Sparrow (4-0) K.O. for the title.
125lb Ammy Title Match
Kenny Murphy vs Remo Cardarelli
(3-0) Team Link (3-0) USMMA
Kenny Murphy (4-0) Unanimous Dec.