CES 42 Live Play by Play: Curtis v. Santiago
Travis Lizotte
Maria Rivera vs. Jessica Sotack
Round 1: Here We GO! Fighters exchange in the center of the cage and they clinch. Jessica works Maria to the fence and tries to work for the takedown. Sotack works for the takedown and gets it. Maria pulls guard and Jessica slams her to the mat and tries to break guard. Maria is working ferociously from the bottom to score points. Sotack moves the fight back to the center of the cage still on the ground. Sotack postures up and lands a shot but Maria pulls her back in. Maria sweeps and is on top in half guard landing some shots of her own. Maria ends the round on top landing some strikes. 10-9 Sotack
Round 2: They meet at the center of the cage again and trade strikes. Sotack lands a nice kick to the body and puts Maria to the fence again. Sotack is putting heavy pressure on Maria in attempt to get the takedown. Fighters exchange knees in the clinch and Maria lands on clean to the body. Maria lands a right hand as the break the clinch. Sotack works and gets the takedown and has Maria stacked as Maria looks for an arm. Rivera is doing a good job at not allowing Jessica to gain distance. Maria sets up an armbar but Sotack is saved by the bell. Close round 10-9 Sotack.
Round 3: Maria starts the round with a side kick and Sotack goes for the takedown but is stuffed. Maria is looking to land kicks and Jessica puts her back up against the cage and continues the heavy pressure that has been the theme of the fight. Maria comes off the cage with kicks and strikes and gains distance again. Maria is using a push kick to keep the distance. Jessica has had enough of the distance and again puts Maria on the cage. Maria creates separation again with some well placed kicks to the body, but Jessica again puts her back on the cage and lands some knees from close quarters. Sotack 10-9.
Official Decision: Maria Rivera Defeats Jessica Sotack (30-27 30-27 30-27) I saw this fight exactly the opposite from the judges, Sotack controlled the fight and was the aggressor the entire fight.
Richard Santiago vs. Chad Kelly
Round 1: Chad lands a leg kick to start the contest and a body kick that lands cleanly. Richie works the takedown and Chad works back to his feet. Keith Peterson stops the action to return a mouthpiece and they continue the fight. Richie is backing Chad up but Chad is landing some good counter shots. Richie is swinging for the fences with some fancy spinning attacks that aren’t landing. Richie takes advantage of what looked to be a slip by Kelly and ends up on top. Kelly gets back up and takes Richie down. Richie reverses position and is on top again. Kelly tries to lock in a triangle from the bottom but Richie answers with some strikes to the body. 10-9 Kelly.
Round 2: Fighters start out round 2 trading and Richie lands a nice left hand that backs Kelly up. Kelly catches Richie coming forward and gets the takedown and Santiago reverses position and takes Chad’s back and sinks in the Rear Naked choke for the tap.
Official Decision: Richie Santiago defeats Chad Kelly at 1:34 of the second round by RNC.
Gary Balletto Jr. vs. Christopher
Rico Torres
Round 1: Balletto
backs Torres down and Torres throws some kicks but Gary checks the kicks. Gary
comes forward and connects with a right and takes Torres to the ground. Torres
tries for the Armbar and Gary slams his way out of the attempt and catches
Torres in a deep kneebar that causes the tap.
Official Decision: Gary
Balletto Jr. submits Christopher Rico Torres at 1:12 of the first round by
Marquis Brewster vs. Cody Hier
Round 1: Fighters are looking to gauge distance and Marquis gets the first strike to land. Cody goes for a takedown and Brewster sprawls and lands a knee coming up. Now Brewster puts Cody on the cage and lands a knee. Cody goes for the takedown and eats some knees trying to do so. Cody is continuing to try for the takedown and eventually gets Brewster to the mat but it’s short lived as Brewster stands and lands some knees in the clinch again. Marquis is looking for a takedown of his own and applies pressure. Marquis backs off and looks to strike again, Cody ducks the overhand and takes Marquis down. Marquis avoids the guillotine and stands back up as the round ends. 10-9 Brewster.
Round 2: Marquis lands a jab to open the round, Hier again initiates the clinch and Marquis escapes. Brewster lands to Cody’s face and backs him into the cage. Marquis breaks to strike but Hier lands the takedown and is on top landing shots as Brewster stands. Cody wants none of the striking from Marquis and continues to clinch. Marquis lands a right and Hier counters. Marquis is starting to land knees from the clinch and Cody gives up taking the knees and they split. Marquis lands some strikes on the cage as the second round ends. Brewster 10-9.
Round 3: Both fighters look to strike to start round 3, Brewster looks to be the fresher fighter. Marquis lands a nice left uppercut and puts heavy pressure on Hier landing shot after shot. Again Cody resorts to a takedown attempt. Marquis is landing the overhand right at will now. Cody again initiates the clinch to stop the attack. Cody eventually works a takedown but Brewster reverses and lands some heavy ground and pound from Cody’s back. Marquis lands a brutal knee to the body on the way up. Marquis lands some strikes from the clinch as the round ends. Brewster 10-9.
Official Decision: Marquis Brewster Defeats Cody Hier by Unanimous Decision (30-27 30-27 30-26)
Main Card: Live on AXS TV:
Pat Walsh vs. Dirlei Broenstrup
Round 1: Dirlei lands a leg kick and Pat goes immediately for a takedown but Dirlei gets up and lands some knees before his is dumped again and Dirlei locks in an inverted triangle Pat escapes but Dirlei has top position. Dirlei takes Pats back and looks to flatten him out. Dirlei has both hooks in but Walsh uses his strength to reverse and gain top position. They return to their feet but pat takes it back to the mat and Walsh is in Dirlei’s half guard. Pat maintains top position as the round ends. 10-9 Walsh
Round 2: Pat starts the second round with a right hand that misses and he follows it up with a smile. Pat puts his hands down and stands in front of the Brazilian. Pat lands a few shots and then goes for the hip toss and Dirlei stands up immediately. Pat takes him back down and gets his back Dirlei stands again and they go back to the mat. Dirlei kicks Pat soccer style while he is getting up. Both fighters look exhausted as they clinch. Not Dirlei starts to land bombs to the tired Walsh and Dirlei starts to apply pressure. And takes Pat to the mat as the round ends. 10-9 Broenstrup.
Round 3: Dirlei starts the round with some strikes that land to the gassed Walsh, Dirlei shoots and Pat lands a takedown and takes top position and Dirlei works his way back to the feet. Dirlei backs up Walsh with some strikes but Pat lands another takedown, and Broenstrop is up again but it is short lived as Walsh takes his feet out from under him again. Walsh gains side control for the first time after being content with half guard most of the fight. Dirlei gets back up but is taken down again and he goes for the guillotine. Pat escapes and gets top position as the round ends. 10-9 Walsh.
Official Decision: Dirlei Broenstrup defeats Pat Walsh by Split Decision (29-29 29-28 27-30)
Kris Moutinho vs. Lloyd Reyes
Round 1: Kris starts with a flurry of strikes that land hard and heavy to Reyes. Kris is stalking Reyes and backing him up. Lloyd lands a punch on the way out of an exchange but Kris shakes it off. Both fighters are swinging for the fences and Lloyd catches one of Kris’ kicks and dumps him on the mat. Kris stands immediately and gets taken down but Kris returns to his feet and is pressuring Reyes on the cage landing some nice shots while doing so. Kris pressures Reyes back to the cage where he changes levels and takes Reyes down and earns top position and maintains top control as the round ends. 10-9 Moutinho.
Round 2: Kris starts round 2 by putting more heat on Reyes and continuing to back him down. Kris pressures Lloyd to the cage and goes for the takedown which lands away from the cage fence. Kris tries to create space and looks to drop some bombs and Reyes works his way to the feet where Kris again has him against the fence. Kris continues to land strikes and foot stomps against the cage as he has full control of Lloyd. They break briefly and Kris lands some power shots and Reyes lands some counters of his own. The round ends with Reyes pressed up against the cage again. 10-9 Moutinho.
Round 3: Kris appears to have a few cuts on his face that gained the doctors attention between rounds but the fight continues. Kris lands the first strikes of the round but the fight goes to the ground where Kris again ends up on top. Moutinho postures up and lands some ground and pound before Lloyd returns to his feet and again gets put on the cage with the heavy pressure from Moutinho. Kris backs off and lands some hard shots to Reyes’ face as they trade blows and Kris returns him to the fence. Lloyd trips Moutinho and ends up on top but Kris scrambles up and continues the pressure. Reyes turns Kris’ back to the cage for the first time as the round ends. 10-9 Moutinho.
Official Decision: Kris Moutinho defeats Lloyd Reyes by Unanimous Decision (30-27 30-27 29-28)
Update: Featherweight Champion Matt Bessette will be defending his belt at CES 44 May 12th against Jeremy Spoon (20-3) at Twin River.
Kody Nordby vs. David Baxter
Round 1: Kody
starts the round throwing out his left hand and then drags Baxter to the ground
and gains top position and rains down some brutal ground and pound. Baxter
tries to eliminate the space and pulls Kody into his guard but Kody passes the
guard and traps Baxter’s left arm and lands yet more brutal ground and pound.
Kody continues to batter Baxter’s face with his left hand. Kody turns to the
elbows now to do some more damage to the grounded Baxter. Kody mounts Baxter and showers down more
heavy ground and pound. Baxter gives up his back and Kody sinks in the Rear
Nake Choke for the tap.
Official Decision: Kody Nordby defeats David Baxter at 4:21
of the first round by RNC.
Joe Pingitore vs. Kenny Foster
Round 1: Joe starts with some jabs that back Kenny up and then Joe follows with a barrage of strikes that land heavy. Foster initiates the clinch and pushes Joe to the cage where Foster applies some heavy shoulder pressure. Joe finally separates. Joe swings for the fences with an overhand that comes up empty but Joe follows with some heavy shots that land this time. Joe catches Kenny in a guillotine and nearly finishes it before Foster escapes to his feet. Kenny tries some spinning attacks that don’t land and Joe fires an uppercut. The round ends on the feet. Pingitore 10-9.
Round 2: Joe starts the round with a crisp combination. Pingitore continues the pressure and lands some hard strikes. Kenny gets in a counter but Joe returns the favor with more power shots. Kenny is trying to up the volume now but isn’t landing as much as Pingitore. Joe just misses a spinning backfist. Kenny throws a highkick that grazes Joe and they keep trading shots. Foster now initiates the clinch and puts Joe on the cage, Foster lands on the break and Joe gets sent to the mat as the round bell saves Joe Pingitore. 10-9 Foster.
Round 3: Foster comes out fast knowing he hurt Joe at the end of the second round, Foster puts him up against the cage, they separate and Kenny lands a high kick and it sends Joe back. Foster looks to land a low blow that puts Pingitore down and Foster tries to follow but Joe survives. Foster is now landing the higher volume shots and Joe looks to be hurt but he continues strike with Kenny. Joe lands a nice clean right that gets the crown to chant his name. Foster is looking like the fresher fighter and he lands a takedown that takes the air out of the crowd. Kenny finishes the round on top of Pingitore. 10-9 Foster.
Official Decision: Kenny Foster defeats Joe Pingitore via unanimous decision (29-28 X3)
Josh LaBerge vs. Saul Almeida
Round 1: Josh starts off with a leg kick, and another. Saul uses some of his overwhelming length to land a couple push kicks. Both guys are truly feeling each other out. Saul starts to turn up the volume and lands some strikes. Saul puts his own back on the cage and drops down for a takedown, LaBerge does well to avoid Saul’s ground attack as they return to the center of the cage. Saul is starting to put together some combinations that land to LaBerge. They trade leg kicks as the first round ends. 10-9 Almeida.
Round 2: LaBerge comes forward with all he has to start the round and Saul returns with some strikes and a flying knee before setting up a takedown. Again Josh does well to avoid being taken all the way to the mat but Saul’s pressure is stifling. Saul is landing some decent ground and pound from his top position on the cage. Saul works for position and Josh gives up his back and Saul is looking for hooks. Saul tries to flatten LaBerge out to no avail and Saul ends the round on Josh’s back. 10-8 Almeida.
Round 3: Saul assures himself of distance with some jabs to start the round. Saul used that jab to set up a takedown attempt and he lands that attempt and ends up back on the back of LaBerge. Josh looks to his corner for instruction from Joe Lauzon but Saul is just absolutely blanketing him on the ground. Saul now has both hooks in and is looking for the finish. Saul switches to the body triangle from the back and continues to work for a submission. Saul gets his left arm under the chin of LaBerge and gets the tap via Rear Naked Choke.
Official Decision: Saul Almeida defeats Josh LaBerge via Rear Naked Choke in the Third Round.
Luis Felix vs. Dawond Pickney
Round 1: Luis comes out and slips on a spinning attempt, he then connects clean on a high kick. Luis comes forward again wish a Kick to the upper body and then connects with a hard left that hurts Pickney and sends him to the mat where he narrowly escapes a guillotine. Pickney gets up but is slammed back to the mat and Felix gets his back and continues to work for the choke. Dawond gets back up just to be dragged back down by Felix who lands some shots. Pickney again struggles to get to his feet and gives up his neck and Felix finishes the Rear Naked Choke for the huge win.
Official Decision: Luis Felix submits Dawond Pickney by Rear Naked Choke at 4:31 of Round 1.
Christopher Curtis (Champion) vs.
Wilfredo Santiago (Challenger)
Welterweight (CES World Title)
Round 1: Both fighters start by showing respect for one another and are trying to test the distance. Will lands what is the first strike with a right hand to the chest of Curtis. Will then lands some bombs to the head of Curtis, Chris covers up and survives the power. Santiago lands an overhand right that backs Curtis across the cage. Curtis finally lands a leg kick. Curtis is using a lot of movement to stay away from the hands of Santiago. Santiago is finding the holes in that movement and landing some nice strikes. Santiago counters a right hand from Curtis and lands one of his own as the round ends. 10-9 Santiago.
Round 2: Santiago starts the round with a crazy barrage of punches that back up Curtis and he continues to land hard shots at will. Santiago backs Curtis into the cage, Curtis lands an upper cut that stumbles Santiago and Curtis lands a knee that hurts Santiago badly. Curtis hops on top and gains the TKO finish.
Official Decision: Chris Curtis defeats Wilfredo Santiago Jr. by TKO at 1:08 of the second round. What a comeback by the true champion.
Great night of fights here from Twin River Travis "Full Contact Writer" Lizotte Signing out!