The MSAC had a listening session earlier this week at STCC for anyone to attend to discuss certain items. Here is what was on the agenda.
--Roll Call
--Approval of Minutes from March 23, 2018
--Applications for Promoter & Matchmaker– Charles Shearns
--Request from Charles Murray (State Police Boxing Team) for a Variance from 523 CMR 12.05
and 523 CMR 13.01 for a Charity Event
--Draft policy on “Just Cause” (523 CMR 10.11) –procedure for approval
--Deputy Commissioner Training
--Pre-Fight Physicals/Ring-side Physician Fees
--Upcoming MSAC event schedule/Listening Session
-- Matters not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of meeting
--Closed Session pursuant to G.L. c. 112 §65C
Special thanks to Joe Leonard for filming this for everyone.
Special thanks to Joe Leonard for filming this for everyone.