Keep refreshing this article for the live results from Premier FC 6. They should start around 2pm today.
------------------------------Amateur Bantamweight Title Fight-----------------------------------------
Fight 11: Dat Tran (Sityodtong) 3-2 vs. Jeremy Reipold (Ravenous) 3-0 135lbs. Tran wins via ref stoppage in Rd 3. What a war!!
Fight 10: Justin Switzer (Allaire MMA) vs. Damien Trites (American Fight Team/Gladiator BJJ/Wai Kru) 155lbs.Damien wins via triangle Rd 1 3:07!!!
Fight 9: Kurt Calash (Bash MMA) vs. Barrington Douse (American Fight Team) 140lbs.Rudeboy Douse wins via ref stoppage to strikes!! The crowd is going nuts!!!
-------------------------------------Amateur Fights-----------------------------------------------------------
Fight 8: Matt Tuthill (Renegade Kumite) vs. Steven Carr (CTMMA) 155lbs. Carr defeats Tuthill unanimous decision. Fight of the Night so far.
Fight 7: Jeff Perez (Nexus) vs. George Wilson (American Fight Team/Gladiator BJJ) 155lbs.Perez wins via standing guilliotine in RD 1.
Fight 6: John Cumper (Sityodtong) vs. Sam Nadeau (American Fight Team/Gladiator BJJ) 145lbs. Nadeau wins via armbar Rd 3
Fight 5: Dave Proulx (Tri Force MMA) vs. Elysee Sanon (Blue Devil) 170lbs.Very close fight. Sanon wins via split decision.
Fight 4: Brian Moylan (Team Black Dragon) vs. Josh Lopez (American Fight Team/Gladiator BJJ) 145lbs. Moylan wins via triangle rd 2.
Fight 3:Chris Chartier (Team Kaos) vs. Nicolas Pallini 140lbs. Pallini wins via triangle Rd 1. Ravenous in his corner!! What a fight!!
Fight 2: Brian Barry (Precision MMA) vs. Justin Marcoccio (Guardian) 135lbs. Barry wins via unable to answer bell ref stoppage!!
Fight 1: Leon Campbell (Sityodtong) vs. Elijah Paolilo (Vitor Shaolin MMA) 155lbs. Leon Cambell wins unanimous. Horrible decision. Sorry judges you got that fight wrong.
Getting is warm. Bud Light is nice and cool. No I did not get one, it just looks cool LOL Fighters are warming up in the cage right in front of me. I see The Omen Damien Trites, Barrington and The Boss. They look pumped and ready to go.
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