Arrived at the 350 Grill Parking lot and I see the cage being setup. The air is nice and the ring girls are looking hot. Premier FC has a nice huge tent over the entire cage and all the seats of the crowd. There is a Bud Light stand serving ice cold beer. I see for vendors, Need To Bleed, Get Punched and Old Dog Fightwear. My buddy Old School is here ready to take notes. The DJ Edward Tourangeau and his sound system sounds top notch. There are burgers, sausage, hot dogs and chips. Doomsday John Howard is here. Marty Caproni is the ring announcer. Ring girls are wearing short orange shorts and some tight booty shorts. Nice choice of outfits for them PFC!! Rachel Doran is doing the national anthem. Sorry if I misspelled your last name. I don't know the other ref's name but I know one of the refs is the one and only Steve Rita!! Alot of you may not know but Rita provides gloves for alot of the local shows. Decent crowd, I would say of about 800 or so people.
-------------------------------------Amateur Fights-----------------------------------------------------------
Fight 1: Leon Campbell (Sityodtong) vs. Elijah Paolilo (Vitor Shaolin MMA) 155lbs.
They touch gloves. Leon gets in some kicks. Paolilo gets in some good counter punches as well. Both fighters are going at it being very cautious. Leon looks to be the slightly taller fighter with much longer legs. Leon is getting in some nice kicks. Elijah goes for a takedown and gets it via slam. Elijah is on top working the side. Leon is defending nicely from the bottom. Both fighters fight for position defending well until the bell sounds.
Paolilo 10-9
Rd 2
These fighters start the round going right at it. Leon gets in some huge leg kicks. Elijah goes for the single leg takedown and gets it. He is in the half guard position trying to pass for full mount. He slickly maneuvers to full mount. Leon bucks and sweeps and Elijah is back to half. Elijah is working an arm triangle but nothing too deep. Leon sweeps and they roll around but it ends up Eljah right back to half guard as the round ends.
Paolilo 10-9
Rd 3:
Leon knows he is down and needs to finish it this round. He gets in a nice combo.One to the body and one to the face. Leon is lighting it up with his hands. Elijah goes for the single leg takedown and gets it. Leon gets up but gets knocked right back down. Leon is sweeping trying to get up and threatens with an armbar but doesn't get the arm fully extended. Elijah is controlling the fight on the ground from half guard. Leon gets some punches from the bottom as the round ends.
Paolilo 10-9
Leon Campbell defeats Elijah Paulilo via unanimous decision. Judges totally got that wrong. Not sure how they even came up with that decision. Even Sityodtong knew they lost but great fight to start out the show!!
Fight 2: Brian Barry (Precision MMA) vs. Justin Marcoccio (Guardian) 135lbs.
Marcoccio is ripped and ready to fight. They come out and touch gloves. Barry gets the slamming takedown right away. Both fighters get right back up and start swinging. Justin gets a nice head kick in. They clinch and go to their knees. Right back up. Nice punches from Barry. Justin is getting in some nice front kicks. Barry goes in and gets another double leg takedown. Barry is on top in the guard position. Barry gets in some good ground and pound as the bell sounds.
Barry 10-9
Rd 2:
Barry gets in a big left hand and then gets another slamming takedown. Barry is in halfguard leaning over the knees getting some big ground and pound. Back to guard position. Barry does some more ground and pound. Barry is working the side and getting in yet some more ground and pound. He goes to the north south then to the side then right to mount with some more punches to the face.
Barry 10-9
Justin is exhausted an unable to answer the bell and the fight is over.
Brian "The Energizer" Barry defeats Justin Marcoccio via referee stoppage.
Fight 3:Chris Chartier (Team Kaos) vs. Nicolas Pallini 140lbs.
They touch gloves. Chartier has Tyson in his corner. Pallini has Team Ravenous in his corner. Chartier gets the takedown working the guard. Chartier postures up and tries to work the ground and pound. Pallini works the triangle and holds it with all his might. Chartier picks Pallini up and slams him down trying to get out. Pallini cranks the head down and holds on more and Chartier goes out but comes back to very quickly. Wow what a fight!!! Chartier is a beast and would not tap.
Nicolas Pallini defeats Chris Chartier via triangle in Rd 1.
Fight 4: Brian Moylan (Team Black Dragon) vs. Josh Lopez (American Fight Team/Gladiator BJJ) 145lbs.
Moylan comes out to Coheed and Cambria. Lopez comes out to Hollywood Undead. They touch gloves. Moylan gets in a good kick. Lopez gets the takedown and Lopez tries to take the back but ends up on bottom in the guard position. Lopez sweeps out and ends up on top. Lopez gets caught in a straight ankle lock but pulls out of it with a little confusion. Moylan is right back on top controlling the fight. There is talk that Lopez tapped twice. Ref only has one set of eyes and the fight continues.
Moylan 10-9
Rd 2: Both fighters come out banging. Lopez is getting in some good shots. They clinch and Moylan gets a single leg takedown. He is working the guard. Lopez sweeps out and ends up on top but Moylan gets a deep triangle. Lopez tries his damndest to hang on but is forced to tap.
Brian Moylan defeats Josh Lopez via triangle choke in Rd 2.
Marty Caproni calls in Doomsday John Howard. Marty calls in 2010 Boston Herald fighter of the year Tyson Chartier. Guitarist from Bang Tango. Vito Ribeiro is in the house. Gabriel Gladiator Santos. Another local favorite Sarah Payant. Doug Keane from Body of Proof on ABC. Mark Delagrotte from Sityodtong was called into the cage but he must have been busy with his fighters there. Ricardo Funch is in attendance, maybe.
Fight 5: Dave Proulx (Tri Force MMA) vs. Elysee Sanon (Blue Devil) 170lbs.
Sanon comes out with some fierce kicks. Dave tries for takedown and Sanon counters with a huge right hand. They clinch and Sanon gets in some more shots. Some knees to the body and they seperate. Sanon works the takedown and gets it. They get right back up. Dave gets a takedown of his own. Right back up. Sanon gets another single leg takedown. Sanon is working the side as the round ends.
Sanon 10-9
Rd 2: They come out swinging and Sanon gets a takedown. They scramble and get right back up. Dave is getting in some good combos standing up. He is working the takedown and they break. Dave gets in a another power punch and Sanon stumbles back for a second. Dave gets a takedown via trip. Sanon takes the back briefly but Sanon stands up and Dave stays on the ground trying to bade Sanon back down. Sanon dives right back in and works the side.
Proulx 10-9
Rd 3: Sanon gets in a few jabs and goes for a double leg takedown. Sanon is working on top from the side. They scramble and back up. They clinch up against the cage. Both fighters are going at it trying to finish the fight. Dave gets a single leg takedown. They are in the north south position. Stand back up. Dave finishes off the round strong with some good punches. This round is too close to call. I guess if I had to I would call it I would give a slight edge to Dave for the better finish at the end of the round.
Split decision 29-28, 28-29, 29-28 for winner. Elysee Sanon.
Elysee Sanon defeats Dave Proulx via split decision. Awesome fight. Sanon is a force not to be reckoned with. This guy has some knockout power and is showing some strong wrestling skills.
Fight 6: John Cumper (Sityodtong) vs. Sam Nadeau (American Fight Team/Gladiator BJJ) 145lbs.
Both fighters come out swinging. Cumper gets in a quick jab. Sam gets a double leg takedown. Sam is on top laying down some vicious ground and pound. Cumper beasts his way back up. Sam is working the takedown and gets it with a nice slam. Sammy is working the top with some vicious grond and pound. He is in half guard working the huge ground and pound. The crowd is going nuts.
Nadeau 10-9
Rd 2: Cumper gets some huge right hands. Sammy is in trouble. He goes for the double leg takedown and gets it. Sam is working the half guard He gets in some huge right hands right to the center of the face of Cumper. Cumper has a huge welt under his right eye. They get back up as the round ends.
Nadeau 10-9
Rd 3:
Sammy is bleeding a little bit under his eye. Nadeau goes for the takedown and works it and gets it via slam. Nadeau gets caught in a guiliotine. He pulls his head out and gets his own guilliotine of his own. Cumper pops out and rolls and is now on top on guard. Nadeau works the armbar and cranks it.
Sam Nadeau defeats John Cumper via armbar submission Rd 3.
Intermission. I was walking around saying hi to all the Ravenous crowd. Chris Rowley was in attendance.
Fight 7: Jeff Perez (Nexus) vs. George Wilson (American Fight Team/Gladiator BJJ) 155lbs.
Wilson was first looking for a fight at 125lbs and wanted to fight so bad for the local crowd in Western Mass that he moved up to fight at 155 so give this guy a huge shoutout!! Perez starts it off with a takedown. Both fighters get back to their feet. Perez gets a standing guilliotine and Wilson is forced to tap.
Jeff Perez defeats George Wilson via standing guilliotine in Rd 1.
Fight 8: Matt Tuthill (Renegade Kumite) vs. Steven Carr (CTMMA) 155lbs.
Both fighters are no stranger to the PFC cage. Tuthill starts us off with some nice kicks. Carr gets the takedown but is caught in a guillotine. Carr is working the half guard position. Matt bucks and tries to get out but Carr is controlling the fight good. They are now in the north south position then back to half with Carr still on top. Carr gets in some punches to the body. The round ends and Matt has blood all over himself. It appears to be coming from Carr's forehead.
Carr 10-9
Rd2: They are going at it banging and swinging for the fences. Blood is pouring down Carr's face after a minute and a half of both fighters punching for the knockout. Carr finally ends up with a takedown. Carr is on top in the half guard as the round ends.
Tuthill 10-9 Carr got the takedown but he was getting pieced up standing and bleeding like crazy. Very tough round to call. Really could go either way.
Rd 3: Both fighters come out swinging again. Tuthill gets a quick takedown and they are right back up. Both fighters are getting tired after the two round slugfest. Carr asks for more and gets a nice jab to the face. They clinch up against the cage. Carr gets the single leg takedown but Tuthill gets caught in a guilliotine. Very close round to call. If I had to go with it I would give it to Tuthill 10-9 for the better standup exchange which took most of the rounds time up. Again really could go either way.
Steven Carr defeats Matt Tuthill via unanimous decision. Both fighters fought hard. This is definitely up for contender for fight of the night so far!!
Fight 9: Kurt Calash (Bash MMA) vs. Barrington Douse (American Fight Team) 140lbs.
Douse comes out to Johnny Cash-Hurt. Great tune RudeBoy!! Fighters touch gloves. Rude boy starts us off with a kick to the body. Douse gets in another leg kick to the outer leg. Douse goes high with a kick. Spinning backfist misses by Douse. Douse goes for a jumping knee which connects to the body. Kurt pushes him up against the cage and slams him down for the takedown. Kurt is working the guard on top. Kurt gets in a nice elbow. Barrington is starting to bleed from his eye it appears. Barrington bucks him off and they stand up. These guys are swinging now. Barrington is getting in a pair of leg kicks. Kurt gets in a nice right hand. Barrington does a superman punch and gets countered to the face. What a war so far!! Kurt catches Barrington in the air and gets another takedown.
Calash 10-9
Rd 2: Barrington catches him with a brutal right. Calash is stepping back. Barrington is on him pounding him with fierce hands. Calash gets dropped and Barrington covers on top from the side laying down some ground and pound and the ref stops the fight. Little premature stoppage if you ask me but nonetheless Calash was definitely in trouble. The crowd is on their feet and going nuts.
Barrington Rude Boy Douse defeats Kurt Calash via ref stoppage to strikes 35 seconds Rd 2.
Fight 10: Justin Switzer (Allaire MMA) vs. Damien Trites (American Fight Team/Gladiator BJJ/Wai Kru) 155lbs.
The crowd is going wild for Damien Trites. I think he is digging fighting for the home crowd. Switzer gets the single leg takedown and is working the guard. Damien tries for a triangle but Switzer slips out. They get back to their feet and Switzer gets another takedown. He is working the half guard position trying to pass but Damien is defending well. Damien gets the triangle and is elbowing Switzer to the face. Triangle is deep and Switzer is forced to tap. With Doomsday, Jeremy Ross and Gladiador in your corner you can't go wrong Omen!!!
Damien Trites defeats Justin Switzer 3:07 triangle in first round. Damien got his boy in the cage. Lil Damien he calls him!!! Great co main event. Now onto the title fight!!
------------------------------Amateur Bantamweight Title Fight-----------------------------------------
Fight 11: Dat Tran (Sityodtong) 3-2 vs. Jeremy Reipold (Ravenous) 3-0 135lbs.
Tran comes out to Rolling Stones-Paint it Black and Jeremy comes out to Beastie Boys-Make Some Noise. Dat starts us off with a leg kick. Jeremy goes for a takedown but Dat defends it well. Dat is working a takedown but Jeremy gets a guillitione and takes him to the ground. Dat hangs on and pulls his head out. Dat is working the side then to north south then back to the side. Dat then passes to full mount and before he can do any damage the round ends. Very close round.
Dat 10-9
Rd 2:
Dat gets in a low kick. Both fighters are swinging hard. Jeremy gets the takedown. Jeremy is working the guard. Dat bucks out ends up on top in the guard. Dat then switches to the side. Dat stands up and gets a few punches in. Dat stands up and gets in a few more shots.
Dat 10-9
Rd 3: Both fighters are coming out swinging. Dat hits Jer with a nice right hand. Jeremy falls down but recovers. Dat covers and tries to finish. Dat backs off and Jer is forced to stand up. Jer gets hit with an illegal knee to the head and the ref gives him 5 minutes. The fight continues. They clinch and Dat gets in some knees to the body and it drops Jer to the ground. The ref stops it.
Dat Tran defeats Jeremy Reipold via ref stoppage in Rd 3. Dat Tran becomes the bantamweight amateur champion. Congrats to Dat. Both fighters fought hard for this belt and it showed!! Just to be clear the ref Steve Rita and I reviewed the knee to the head and it was clearly to the head. Totally accidental by Dat but it was the right call.
Fight of the Night: Tuthill/Carr fight. Blood everywhere and some great standing strikes almost the entire fight.
Submission of the Night: Very tough for this one but I gotta give it to Nadeau's armbar
KO/TKO of the Night: Pallini's Triangle choke
Blunder of the Night: The DJ(who was great) not playing the right song for Jeremy Reipold. Finally after minute or so he plays it.
Rating of the Show(1-5, 5 Being the Best)
Quality of Fights:4.5
Star Quality:5 Doomsday, Gladiador. Funch. Vito Shaolin Ribiero
Announcer:5 Marty the Funnyman Caproni is really falling into his own with the announcing.
Ring Girls:4
Overall: 4.58