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August 14, 2011
I just wanted to let you all know that the Cage Titans Media Day is today so definitely go to Tapout Boston and smooze with all the fighters. Joe Pingitore will be there showing off all his dance moves seen here. The March Of Dimes Charity Event has been moved once again to a later date. Brandie from Cage Titans confirmed with me that this will be the last time, she promises. Brandie stated that it had to be moved due to ring girls dealings with college. We all agree that college is important so I guess I will let it slide Cage Titans. The new date will be September 18th, the weekend after their United show. Good news is at the United Cage Titans show you can donate money to the March of Dimes!
Two other things I want to share with you all. Soul Mind Fist is having a big sale going on right now so please check them out. They are a great local vendor and they are huge supporters of the MMA community. Last but not least please check out the new Cage Titans redesigned website found here. It was redesigned by Registered Fighter and ScratJ and they did an awesome job.
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