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August 25, 2011
Tisha Rodrigues, was chosen to represent the US in the style of MMA for females along with Jill Valenzuela in the show Taboo on National Geographic. The show will profile different styles of fighting around the world and the amazing stories behind each fighter. They will begin filming Sept 19th. and they will document their daily lives here in Ma, in and out of the cage.
We at would like to congratulate you Tisha for the awesome opportunity!! Massachusetts MMA fighters are sure getting the recognition they deserve lately and I hope the train keeps on rolling. If you are unfamiliar with Lil Bully Tisha Rodrigues then please read our Q&A we had with her not to long ago. As soon as we know more details about when the show will air, we will let you all know!!! I sure hope Tisha has checking out in her daily routine and we make the show haha!!
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