Team Pradal Serey shared this news with us and I wanted to share with you all. They posted on their website this message..
This movement is not about TPS - Lynn it is about the betterment of kun Khmer everywhere. We both feel it is time to unite under one banner and one name, in the name of Pradal Serey. We have never been, and never will be afraid to lead the way to prominence for Cambodia's favorite fighting art. Now the dream of so many people are within our grasp. We can't thank the guys at Bayon Fight Camp enough for taking the trip and believing in what we do, and we too believe in you! Together we CAN make a difference and together we WILL make a difference in the fight world all over!
We would like to send out an open invitation for any Khmer fight team to come to our residence in Massachusetts (or we will come there) to train and see for yourself what we are all about. Now is the time for action, it is time to show the world what Pradal Serey fighting is about!
Further details on the merger and information on our TPS - Philadelphia fighters will be out very soon. We look forward to becoming ONE and making our past warriors proud one fighter at a time. 2012 is the year that we take back what is ours and not let anyone get in the way of us preserving our ancient art!
--TPS management--
Thanks for sharing with us guys and continue doing what you are doing!!
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