You may have noticed in our menubar that we have added "Ammy Records" and "Pro Records. Well if you haven't you will now. I get sick of looking up fighters records and knowing that they are wrong, don't you?? We came up with a solution and we are going to have the records all displayed publically so everyone can see. Not only is it a great way for promoters and fighters to look up similar opponents but it is a great way for fans to look up records too. No more searching around the web for what is current and what is not. To do this we need your help. The link is in each part of the menu as well but please fill out the form so we can add you. There may be times when we mess up the record or you switch teams. That is fine, just refill out the form in the near future and we will change it. Do us a favor and click the share button at the bottom of this article and share it on facebook and with your teams. Thanks, together we can build an awesome database of fighters in New England!!
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