Nick Newell's King of the Mat is still happening and it was postponed earlier due to a snow storm. Thanks Mother Nature! They are now rescheduled to March 23rd which is a Saturday. Walk In's are welcome and you can preregister for cheaper by mailing it in. All the info is found below that you need and it is a great way to improve your jiu jitsu! This is the 7th installment and even throughout Nick's busy MMA career the XFC champ still stays true to his locals and puts on great events.
Only $30 if you pre register and $40 at the door. $5 for spectators
No-Gi tournament
NO one and done here. Guaranteed at least three matches. This is the best tournament around to gain experience in competition.
PREREGISTRATION IS UP! (follow the link bellow for the form)
All preregistration must be mailed in by Friday, March 15th
Madison Weights (competitors are matched based on age, weight and experience)
Kids, Womens, Mens Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced divisions
DOUBLE ELIMINATION brackets (you can lose a match and still come back for third)
Medals for Top Three
Absolute Division Championship
KOTM T-Shirts and food will be for sale as well
Saturday March 23rd, 2013 @ Fighting Arts Academy
190 Verge Street, Springfield, MA
weigh-ins from 9 am- 10 am
grappling starts at 11:00
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