Fight 1: Joe Boxer (Black Dragon) vs. Steve Carr (CTMMA)
Steve Carr comes out to Sleigh Bells-Riot Rhythm and Joe Boxer comes out to Mobb Deep-Shook Ones Pt II. Both fighters come out standing and banging. Carr gets in a good knee to the face that appears to hurt Joe for a bit. He then tries to work the takedown and eventually gets it and Joe is now on on top in the guard. Carr gets a nice triangle and is doing some elbows to the head from the bottom. Carr continues to hold onto that triangle and eventually gets the tap.
Steve Carr defeats Joe Boxer via triangle choke in 4:09 in Rd 1. Steve Carr is looking more and more impressive. He will be fighting Tyson Chartier from Sityodtong at the Premier FC 7.
Fight 2: Kyle Rozewski (Victory MMA) vs. Erik Lee (Blue Devils)
They start off and Erik gets the takedown and is now working the guard. Kyle is doing real well defending himself from the bottom. Erik is now in half guard. The rest of the round continued like this.
Erik 10-9
Rd 2: They start out and clinch. Erik works the takedown and gets it via a trip. Erik is now working the half guard. Kyle ends up bucking out and they are back to their feet. Erik does a kind of hip toss and Kyle gets right back up. Erik then does a spectacular slamming takedown and is now working the side. Erik ends up taking the back and then falls down and transitions into a sweet armbar and gets the tap.
Erik Lee defeats Kyle Rozewski via armbar in 3:17 in Rd 2.
Fight 3: John Naples (Strikezone) vs. Terin Swanson (ATT)
These come out swinging faster than I have ever seen before. This goes on for a good 20 seconds and then John ends up getting a slamming takedown. John is working the guard. John picks up Terin and slams him down and knocks him out cold. Wow what a finish.
John Naples defeats Terin Swanson via slamming KO in 1:09 in Rd 1.
Fight 4: Jeremy Ross (Gladiator) vs. Leroy Derricott (Kumite)
Jeremy starts us off with a leg kick. Leroy gets the takedown but sweeps right back out. They stand up and are now working the clinch up against the cage. Jeremy is working a double leg takedown and gets it. Jeremy is working the guard. Jeremy ends up passing to side control. Leroy bucks out and they stand up and Leroy gets his own takedown. Leroy is now working the guard. Jeremy pushes Leroy off and they are back standing. Leroy gets in a nice right hand and they are up against the cage. Jeremy reverses gets in some ground and pound from the top. Jeremy takes the back and sinks in the rear naked choke for the win. What a fight!! Jeremy stands up with blood coming out his nose.
Jeremy Ross defeats Leroy Derricott via rear naked choke 4:43 in Rd 1.
Fight 5: Erik Sommer (CTMMA) vs. Jason Ward (Black Dragon)
These guys start out swinging and Erik pulls guard. They get right back up. Erik pulls guard again and Ward gets in some good ground and pound. Ward backs off and lets him up. Erik right eye is starting to swell. Ward punched Erik down to the ground. Erik swept and is now on top. Ward slips out the back door and starts dropping elbows. Erik sweeps back to top position. Erik gets in some solid ground and pound the last 10 seconds and in my opinion stole the round.
Erik 10-9
Rd 2: Both fighters are throwing some nice punches but are both fairly tired. Ward gets in a nice body shot. Erik gets caught with a huge right hand. Both fighters are swinging for the fences. They both seem to be evenly distributed. Ward got caught in the nuts but quickly shakes it off. Ward gets in a huge right hand and drops Erik. He covers and drops some huge bombs down. This ensues for about 20 seconds and the ref is forced to stop it.
Jason Ward defeats Erik Sommer at 4:28 seconds via ref stoppage in Rd 2.
Fight 6: Dane Grove (Blue Devils) vs. Eric Bedard (Gillett’s MMA)
Bedard walks in with his Roy Nelson-like physique but don't let him fool you, that guy can punch!! They don't call him Lucky Strikes for nothing. Both fighters touch gloves. Bedard starts us off with a huge right hand that drops Grove. Eric covers and tries to finish but Dane holds on and they get right bakc up. Both fighters are swinging for the fences. Eric goes down and Dane covers and ends up in full mount. Eric rolls and gives up his bakc and slides right out. They are now standing. Bedard rocks Dane with a nice combo. Bedard covers and finishes the job.
Eric Bedard defeats Dane Grove in 2:47 seconds in Rd 1 due to ref stoppage from KO.
Fight 7: Erik Purcell (Ricardo Almeida) vs. Dwight Grant (Anderson’s MA)
Dwight Grant starts us out with a bang and drops Erik with a big right hand and covers over and finishes the job. Erik goes out and is grabbing the ref after the fight is stopped. He recovers fine folks.
Dwight Grant defeats Erik Purcell via KO punch in 18 seconds in Rd 1.
Some high school did some singing/dancing skit to Lady Gaga-Born This Way and then some soul song. Then they go into a Michael Jackson song. I am not sure if this fit in an mma crowd but hey it was entertaining. They say they are gonna do another song and the crowd boos them LOL. Apparently mma fans don't enjoy Lady Gaga.
They call out Alexandre Moreno who is set to fight Dominic Gagliardi on February 24th.
Fight 8: Joe Proctor Lauzon MMA) vs. Matt Bessette (Underdog BJJ) Light Weight Title Fight
Bessette walks out to Welcome To My Hood . They throw some leg kicks and clinch. Proctor ends up getting the double leg takedown. Proctor is on top in guard. Bessette does a great job defending himself on the bottom. Matt got hit with some ground and pound while scrambling. Matt uses the cage and stands up. Bessette gets a single leg takedown and passes to half guard. Matt is now on the side. Proctor uses the cage to stand up but eats some big shots and a knee to the body. They are now standing in the center. Bessette gets in a good right jab that causes Proctor's right eye to bleed.
Bessette 10-9
Rd2: Both fighters try a flying knee that they both block fairly well. Bessette pulls guard and gets the takedown. Proctor is now on top and he gets in some punches here and there. Bessette continues to work hard from the bottom and stands back up. Matt gets another takedown. Matt takes the back and is working a rear naked choke. Matt gets in some punches to the body. Matt has a tight body lock and Proctor ends up twisting out somehow.
Bessette 10-9
Rd 3: Both fighters start jabbing right away. Bessette gets in an uppercut. They are clinched up against the cage Matt works the single leg but Joe pushes him off. They clinch and Proctor gets in a knee to the body. Matt gets in a nice combo and they clinch up against the cage. Bessette gets in some uppercuts by the cage and Proctor reverses. Proctor is going for a guilliotine and Matt does a nice roll and they go down briefly and then stand up.
Very close round, I give the edge to Proctor 10-9
Rd 4: Proctor gets in a good jab. They are both swinging. Proctor is working a takedown and ends up not getting it. They are clinching near the cage and both getting in some nice jabs. Both fighters are going at it in the center of the cage. They clinch up against the cage and Matt is working the single leg. Proctor pulls him down and Bessette is on top in guard as the round ends.
Very close round, gonna give it to Bessette 10-9 for dominant position at the end but again it really could go either way.
Rd 5: Both fighters throw their jabs and Bessette grabs the leg and Proctor jumps guard. Bessette is now in guard on top. Bessette gets in some ground and pound and Proctor uses the cage to stand. Bessette eats a good jab and looks stunned and Proctor gets the double leg takedown. Proctor gets up and backs off. They clinch up against the cage and both fighters just kind of fall back. Proctor is working the guard on top. Proctor stands up and backs off.
Proctor 10-9
Joe Proctor defeats Matt Bessette wins unanimous decision. What a war!! Very close rounds. Congrats to Joe Proctor and he now becomes the new champion.
Fight 9: Emil Haddad (FAA) vs. John McLaughlin (Kipp’s Basement) Bantamweight title fight
Haddad starts the action with a nice hip toss takedown. He is now in guard. John uses the cage and gets back to his feet. Both fighters exchange some leg kicks. Haddad gets in a knee to the body from the clinch. Both fighters are swinging, very evenly right now. Haddad gets hit with a right hook and it looked like it clipped the nose. It might have broken it, we will watch on. Haddad gets in some knees to the head from the clinch. Haddad is bleeding from the nose.
McLaughlin 10-9
Rd 2: They start us off swinging for the fences. Haddad's nose is starting to bleed again. John landed an uppercut. Haddad tries a takedown via trip but is unsuccessful. He is smiling with blood all over his face at his opponent across the cage. They are continuing and just swinging for the fences. Blood is everywhere. Haddad's nose has to be broken but he is a warrior and will never give up.
McLaughlin 10-9
Rd 3: They start out with a few jabs and Emil does a roundhouse kick to the head and McLaughlin is knocked out cold. McLaughlin comes to but is taken out in a stretcher as a precaution.
Jeff Emil Haddad defeats John McLaughlin via round house kick KO in 39 seconds in Rd 3.
Fight 10: Gabriel Gonzaga (Link) vs. Parker Porter (Underdog BJJ) Heavyweight Title Fight
Gonzaga's jabs are getting through. Gonzaga gets a good leg kick in. Parker gets an accidental kick to the junk. He takes like 15 seconds and they are right back at it. Porter gets in an inside leg kick. Both fighters are being very cautious. Gonzaga gets two more good leg kicks and the round ends.
Very close round but I gotta give it to Gonzaga due to the solid leg kicks and some good jabs in.
Rd 2: Parker gets in a solid leg kick. Parker gets in a good exchange. Parker gets in an inside leg kick and Gonzaga fires right back with a leg kick of his own. Parker is pushing the action and hunting Gonzaga down. Parker continues to stalk Gonzaga and getting in his shots. Gonzaga gets a leg kick in. Parker finishes off the round strong with some solid punches.
Parker 10-9
Rd 3: Right where we left off. Parker gets some nice jabs to the face of Gonzaga. Gonzaga fires right back and stuns Parker. He covers and lays some ground and pound. Parker spins out but Gonzaga takes full mount and lays down more ground and pound. Parker spins out and gives up his back. Gonzaga locks in a sweet arm triangle and gets the finish.
Gabriel Gonzaga defeats Parker Porter via arm triangle in 1:52 in Rd 3.
Fight of the Night: Emil Haddad vs. John McLaughlin--huge comeback KO and bloody mess...loved it.
Submission of the Night: Gabriel Gonzaga arm triangle over Parker Porter
KO of the Night: Emil Haddad KO head kick, yes this deserves two awards
Blunder of the Night: The high school musical we had to endure and they did 4 excruciating songs.
Rating of the Show(1-5, 5 Being the Best)
Quality of Fights:5 spectacular fights..only one fight went to decision!! I enjoyed it very much.
Star Quality: 5, everyone was here to see the mint fights.
Sound: 3.5, they barely let the fighters walk out, some of them already had shirt off and into the greased up before they started walking.
Refs: 5 Kevin the Ref and his partner did a spectacular job.
Announcer: 5 Dave Ginsberg does a great job.
Ring Girls:5 I thought the AFO girls had a cheeky outfit, spectacular view all night.
Vendors: 5, of course awesome vendors, its in Mohegan Sun, they got Krispy Kreme and Frank Pepe's, tons of slots and give shops to lose your money on, and Naga Gear vendor was there.
Overall: 4.79
Thank you Kipp Kollar and Joe Cuff for the opportunity to share this epic event with everybody. As most of our fans know, but for the new people who read this, we put all of our pics from the night for free on our facebook fanpage so please like our page. There is a link at the bottom for this. It was a great night for Western Mass fighters, Emil Haddad, Jeremy Ross, and Gabriel Gonzaga fought hard and brought home the victories. We are all very proud of you guys. The catering was awesome. Reality did a great job of a nice catering table in the back for the media section. I saw many people bring out some assorted desserts, pizza and complimentary water. I really like how Reality interviews every winner and discusses what was going through their mind just like UFC does. That is all for now, CityBoy out!!
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