Championship Fight
HW Title Randy Smith(CNY)13-9 Vs. Kym Sturdivant4-7
HW Title Randy Smith(CNY)13-9 Vs. Kym Sturdivant4-7
Championship Fight
FW Title Theo Desjardin(United)2-4 Vs. Kody Nordby(Allair)4-0ammy 0-0
FW Title Theo Desjardin(United)2-4 Vs. Kody Nordby(Allair)4-0ammy 0-0
145 Tom Evans(United)1-0 Vs. Doug Sonier (Indy) 0-
170 Brandon Chagnon(Sit)2-3 Vs. Joe Powers(Dexter)1-1
135 Josh Baker(619) 1-1 Vs. Billy Giovanella (Connors)4-2
170 Sean Boisclair(619)2-0 Vs. Tim Leary(Redline)2-0
155 Nate Andrews(United)4-2 Vs. Dosy Platner(Cny)2-1
HW Smash Evans Vs. Erik Gendron(Waikru)0-0
130 Jorden Bowers(CNY) Vs. Randy Cole(Indy)
155 Billy Leischner(Dexter) Vs. James Raymond
155 Jeremiah Diruzzo 3-1 (Redline) Vs. Michael Wicks(Koto MMA) 2-2
125 Shane Decristoforo(United) Vs. Mike DeLosReyes(Dexter)
145 Chris Tier(CNY) Vs. Brandon Flemming (SSSF)
170 Brandon Chagnon(Sit)2-3 Vs. Joe Powers(Dexter)1-1
135 Josh Baker(619) 1-1 Vs. Billy Giovanella (Connors)4-2
170 Sean Boisclair(619)2-0 Vs. Tim Leary(Redline)2-0
155 Nate Andrews(United)4-2 Vs. Dosy Platner(Cny)2-1
HW Smash Evans Vs. Erik Gendron(Waikru)0-0
130 Jorden Bowers(CNY) Vs. Randy Cole(Indy)
155 Billy Leischner(Dexter) Vs. James Raymond
155 Jeremiah Diruzzo 3-1 (Redline) Vs. Michael Wicks(Koto MMA) 2-2
125 Shane Decristoforo(United) Vs. Mike DeLosReyes(Dexter)
145 Chris Tier(CNY) Vs. Brandon Flemming (SSSF)
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